Pisala stale s niekym
msutopia reagovala:
i wrote that i not hear you, asked what do u want to see, but you just sit and wait for smth. i cant read minds
Very beautiful show with very beautiful girl
odepisovala jinam, pak po 10 minutách zničeho nic vypla
msutopia reagovala:
and you wait 10 minute while i ignore you? Why r u lie? fuf
Nic neukaze, nedoporucuju
msutopia reagovala:
we was not alone, i said you
úžasný prsa a vůbec je celá sexy!
msutopia reagovala:
thanks :)
V podstate robila co som chcel, ale bez nejakeho vacsieho vzrusenia, trosku ako robot
msutopia reagovala:
cause you was not alone in pvt bb
Very beautiful show with very beautiful girl
Very nice blow and very nice girl
krásný kozy, ale bez zvuku
překrásná holčina s exklusivním zadečkem a svůdnou buchtičkou
Thanks, you are amazing. Hot excelent show, wonderfull body,, boobs And pussy... Mhmm..
Skoda toho zvuku. Ma ho pusteny, ale je jak pena, takze ji neni moc slyset. Kazdopadne postava, prsicka a kundicka fakt perfektni. :)
Absolutne neposlucha cele nanic
msutopia reagovala:
i play with pussy as you want. You not write any other thing
nemá zvuk
msutopia reagovala:
i have sound!
Excellent, but often writes to someone else.
so cute and hot :)) perfection